Chronic Headaches from Sinus Infection
Sinus infections have many symptoms and results on the body. One symptom that torments many sinus disease suffers is chronic headaches. Sinus headaches can last for months and can hinder a person's mental and physical performance.-
According to the Mayo Clinic, sinus headaches can be caused by chronic sinus infections. A sinus headache is the pain and sensation associated with excessive pressure built up in the sinus cavity.
Chronic headaches from sinus infections are caused by excessive mucus congestion and air pressure caught in the inflamed sinus cavity.
The most effective treatment is to kill the sinus infection with prescribed antibiotics accompanied by a nasal decongestant and pain reliever.
Symptoms of sinus infection include sharp pain in the middle of the forehead, severe congestion, runny nose, pain throughout the head, fever and body chills.
A sinus infection that goes untreated can spread into the ears, throat and brain causing life-threatening conditions. Any chronic headaches must be check out by a doctor to ensure it isn't anything more serious than infected sinuses.