How to Treat Post Nasal Drip: Remedies
A post nasal drip can be a precursor to allergies, the common cold and rhinitis, as well as to sinusitis and bacterial infections. In certain cases, the consumption of spicy foods, strong odors from cleaning products, perfumes and other olfactory irritants could trigger it. Consult your doctor to determine the exact cause of your post nasal drip.
Prescription and OTC Medications
If your post nasal drip is caused by bacterial infections, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Use over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines and decongestants to treat a post nasal drip brought on by viral infections and sinusitis. Take your doctor’s advice before using OTC antihistamines and decongestants, especially if you suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma or other chronic medical condition. These medications can cause side effects ranging from a dry mouth, to congestion and dizziness.
Saline Treatments
Saline treatments work to cleanse your nasal passages, thin the mucus and flush it out along with allergens, bacteria and other irritants that you may have inhaled. Use a neti pot to perform nasal irrigation or a saline nasal spray, once a day until you experience relief from the post nasal drip.
Reduce Triggers
Minimize the occurrence of a post nasal drip with preventive measures. Lay dust-proof covers over your bedding if allergic conditions including dust, animal dander and mites trigger your post nasal drip. Regularly wash your bedding in hot water to destroy the allergens. Install a humidifier in your home to increase moisture and HEPA air filters to filter out allergens from the air. Vacuum often to keep your house free from dirt and dust.