What Is Benign Sinus Disease?
If the nasal cavities, sinuses and upper respiratory tract become inflamed and swollen, mucus cannot exit the body normally, so it builds up. This excess of mucus in the sinuses provides an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, and an infection can develop. Causes for the initial irritation include: • Allergies (e.g., hay fever) • Allergic reactions (e.g., fungal infection) • Respiratory tract infections (e.g., common cold) • Nasal growths (e.g., polyps) • Deviated septum • Preexisting medical conditions (e.g., cystic fibrosis, HIV)
Symptoms of benign sinus disease include: • Thick discharge that is either green or yellow • Difficulty breathing • Tender, swollen areas of the eyes, nose, cheeks and forehead • Teeth or upper jaw ache • Cough that gets worse at night • Fatigue • Sore throat
Medical Treatments
Medical treatments for more severe cases of benign sinus disease include corticosteroids (nasal, oral or injected), decongestants, over-the-counter pain relievers (e.g., ibuprofen, acetaminophen), antibiotics, allergy shots or, for extreme cases, surgery.
Home Treatments
Many cases of benign sinus disease react positively to home treatments: • Nasal irrigation (e.g., neti pot) • Saline nasal spray • Humidifier in the bedroom • Steam (e.g., hot shower) • Warm compress • Increased fluid intake (e.g., water, herbal tea, 100 percent fruit juice) • Plenty of rest, preferably with the the head elevated
While not foolproof, prevention of benign sinus disease begins with common sense: • Wash hands often, especially after shaking hands, dealing with money, sharing writing utensils or touching door handles or telephones • Avoid cigarette and cigar smoke • Monitor allergies---kept under control, allergies do not have to lead to sinusitis