Home Remedy for a Cold & Sinus Congestion
Drink plenty of fluids, such as juice, water, warm lemon water with honey, or clear broth. Don't drink caffeinated beverages and alcohol, which can dehydrate you.
Chicken Soup and Ice Cream
Eat chicken soup. Scientists have discovered that it relieves cold symptoms and acts as an anti-inflammatory. It also helps move mucus through the nose and sinuses to relieve sinus congestion. Canned soups work just as well as homemade soups.
Eat foods such as puddings, gelatin, ice cream, sherbet and popsicles to soothe a scratchy throat.
Honey Relieves a Cough
Take two spoonfuls of honey to relieve your cough. For children ages 2 to 5, give a ½ tsp.; ages 6 to 11, 1 tsp.; and for those older than 12, give 2 tsp. Do not give honey to babies younger than 1 year of age, due to the risk of infant botulism.
Relieve Your Sore Throat
Gargle with salt water to relieve a sore throat and wash away secretions from post nasal drip. Dissolve ½ tsp. of salt in 8 oz. of warm water and gargle a few times a day.
Nasal Saline Sprays and Washes Relieve Congestion
Use saline nasal sprays to relieve sinus congestion and moisten your nasal passages. Use a saline nasal wash to clear mucus out of your sinuses. Mix 2 to 3 tsp. of noniodized or kosher salt, plus 1 tsp. of baking soda into 1 pint of distilled or filtered water. Fill a squirt bottle or Neti pot with the saline. Lean over a sink, tilt your head to one side and pour the saline directly into one nostril. The saline will run out of the other nostril, cleaning secretions and bacteria from your sinuses.
Humidity is Helpful
Use a cool-air humidifier. This will keep your mucous membranes moist, relieving your scratchy throat and sinus congestion. Change the water in your humidifier every day and clean the unit every three days to prevent mold build-up.
Keep Your Head Elevated
Sleep and rest with your head elevated to relieve congestion in the sinuses and chest. Raise a baby's head slightly by placing a rolled-up towel underneath the crib mattress. Do not use soft bedding or pillows on top of the mattress due to risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Place a folded towel between the mattress and box spring for older children and adults.