How Long Does Flu Virus Have to Incubate?
Flu Incubation Period
The incubation period of the flu refers to the time between exposure to the virus and when symptoms start to appear. The general consensus seems to be that the flu incubation period is anywhere from 1 to 3 days. During this time, the body is trying to fight off the infection, resulting in an increased white blood cell count (white blood cells are essentially the foot soldiers of the immune system, attacking and gobbling up invading viruses and other germs). It is this battle that results in the fever and fatigue that tend to herald more serious symptoms.
According to the CDC, a person with the flu is contagious to others from the day before they get sick up through 5 to 7 days after falling ill. During this time, avoid contact with others as not to spread your illness.
The flu can cause complications, mainly respiratory ones, with the elderly and chronically ill at highest risk. Seek medical care if your symptoms become severe.