How to Stop a Dry, Nagging Cough
Things You'll Need
- Vicks Vaporub
- hand cloth
The first step in fighting a dry cough is keeping your chest and neck area warm. I know, at least in my experience, that as soon as my chest gets cold, I start coughing. It may not have to be 20 degrees outside air conditioning may launch you into the dreaded dry cough zone!
The second step is usually performed at night but can be performed at any time. Rub some Vicks vaporub on the soles of your feet and quickly cover them with socks. Just leave the socks on all night when you go to bed.
The third step is to rub some of that Vicks onto your chest and cover it with a hand towel. You can also put a hot pack on your chest to really warm it up...just be sure to do it over clothing and never ever fall asleep with a hot pack on you.
If these tips don't work then you may want to consider that your cough is allergic in nature. Check with your doctor first but taking an anti histamine may just do the trick. Good luck all!