How to Clear a Runny Nose & Nasal Drip
Things You'll Need
- Water/Fluids
- Nasal Sprays
- Dropper
- Vaporizer/Humidifier
How to Clear a Runny Nose & Nasal Drip
Drink plenty of fluids. Keeping yourself hydrated can help fight extra mucus production. You should drink lots of water throughout the day to help with mucus flow, keeping it from becoming thick. You can also drink liquids that are high in Vitamin C, such as orange juice. Vitamin C helps the immune system and fights infections, such as cold and flu, that can cause runny nose and nasal drip.
Eat a balanced diet. Strengthening your immune system helps to ward off colds and other infections. Make sure that you are eating healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables. Also, use cayenne pepper to help nasal congestion. You can sprinkle a little in your food while cooking or you can take one teaspoon daily to thin out mucus in the nose so that you can breathe.
Use nasal sprays. You can buy nasal sprays over the counter at any drugstore, or you can make your own at home. A pinch of baking soda, 1 cup of warm water and a teaspoon of salt forms a nasal spray. Release the mixture just inside your nose using a dropper.
Use a vaporizer or humidifier. Increasing the humidity in the air will help to relieve runny nose and nasal drip. You may want to invest in a small humidifier for your room, or you can go with a whole-house humidifier. You can find vaporizers/humidifiers at any retail store, and they are relatively inexpensive.
Take antihistamines. You can find antihistamines at any drugstore. Although they work great for nasal relief, they can make you drowsy. Be sure to read the label on the product. If you have questions regarding which antihistamines are best, consult your physician before purchasing.