Homeopathic Cures for Dry Cough
Homeopathic Remedies
According to HPathy.com, an online resource for homeopathic remedies, dry cough may be quelled by the herb belladonna. Used for several centuries for a variety of conditions, belladonna may help ease the soreness and tenderness to the throat caused by your dry cough. Take 50 to 100 mg of belladonna leaf powder for relief. Hpathy.com suggests taking phosphorus along with belladonna. While Belladonna relieves the pain, phosphorus will help ease the throat soreness associated with dry cough. Phosphorus is also helpful for coughs that start out dry, but end with mucus expectoration.
Rumex, a perennial herb, is helpful for dry cough that's associated with a tickling sensation. It fights teasing and persistent coughs. It also helps relieve trapped mucus.
According to Herbs 2000, Bryonia is an herb that can help deep coughs that seem to come from the stomach. Bryonia is also helpful for coughs that shake your chest, cause headaches, and affect other areas of the body while you're coughing.
Before taking any homeopathic remedies, check with the manufacturer's particular instructions, as dosage information can vary widely from company to company, depending on how much the product is diluted.
Other Things to Try
In addition to homeopathy, consider trying other natural remedies to relieve your cough. You could find some relief from aromatherapy. Mix two drops of eucalyptus essential oil with two drops of lemon oil and 2 tbsp. of honey. Dilute 1 tsp. of this mixture with a glass of warm water and sip slowly. Try mixing three drops of eucalyptus oil and two drops of thyme with 1 tsp. of cold-pressed vegetable oil. Rub this mixture over your chest and back.
Drink plenty of liquids, such as water, juice and broth. This will thin the mucus in your airways and lungs.
Use a vaporizer to give your airways some humidity. If you don't have a vaporizer, spend some time in a steamy, hot bath or even a shower with any overhead fans turned off.
When to Call Your Doctor
Contact your doctor if your cough is persistent, keeps you up at night, interferes with normal, day-to-day activities or doesn't get better with homeopathic or natural remedies. Also, see your doctor if your cough is combined with other symptoms, such as fever, ear pain, swollen glands or chest pain.