How to Clear Sinus Congestion & Nasal Drip
Things You'll Need
- Broth
- Saline nasal spray
- Humidifier
Get plenty of rest. You may even need more than six to eight hours per night. When you're fighting off an illness, your body needs rest for the immune system to work at optimal capacity.
Drink at least eight eight-ounce cups of water each day. You'll need to be hydrated to help your body get over its current condition. Water is especially important if you're running a fever, which can dehydrate you, as well.
Sip on some hot broth. Chicken noodle soup is a classic remedy because the heat helps to open nasal passages, and the nutrients in the soup are good for your body.
Add moisture to the air with a cool-mist humidifier. You also can take a hot shower or just sit in the bathroom with the door closed while the shower runs to help clear congested sinuses.
Try an over-the-counter nasal saline spray to help with a runny nose or congested sinuses.
Take an antihistamine for a runny nose or a decongestant for a stuffy nose. You can find these medications at your local pharmacy, but use only as the package directs. Also only use these for a day or two, as extended use can actually worsen your symptoms.
Avoid known triggers if your symptoms are due to allergies.
Consult your doctor if your symptoms aren't better in 7 to 10 days. You may have a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics. You also could be battling allergies, which may require medication as well.