How to Quickly Heal Cold Sores
Things You'll Need
- Prescription cold sore medication
- Supplemental Vitamin C
- Rubbing alcohol
- Carmex or other cold sore lip balms
- Abreva or another over-the-counter ointment
Ask your dentist for help. On your next visit, tell him or her that you get cold sores frequently. You dentist can prescribe Denavir or Zovirax topical cream, or one of the various cold sore treatment pills.
Pour rubbing alcohol onto a cotton swab as soon as you feel a cold sore bump begin. Rub the cotton swab against the infected area repeatedly. Rub until you break the skin and the cold sore is revealed. This will sting, but is absolutely essential in keeping the cold sore from growing.
Repeat Step 2 multiple times during the first day that the cold sore becomes present. This should effectively stop it from growing larger and becoming more visible.
Apply the prescribed topical cream to the cold sore area constantly. If you do not have the topical cream, buy Abreva or another over-the-counter medicine. Apply it liberally to surrounding areas of the mouth as well, to prevent the cold sore from spreading to these areas
Repeat Step 4 at constant intervals throughout each day. Whenever you are alone, keep large amounts of the cream on your mouth. When you must go out, use thinner, less visible amounts.
Use Carmex or another cold sore-fighting lip balm during the duration of the infection.
Take any prescription pills as directed. Take supplemental Vitamin C as well, to boost your immune system's power.
Clean all sheets, towels, pillowcases and toothbrushes when your cold sore is gone. This will prevent you from catching another from yourself.
Continue taking Vitamin C when the cold sore disappears. A stronger immune system means fewer appearances of sores. Continue using Carmex or another lip balm as well.