What Test Is Done for the Swine Flu Virus?
Common Flu Tests
The most common types of influenza tests performed are called rapid influenza diagnostic tests, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Services. This test gives a result in less than 30 minutes, but it is not always accurate.
Effectiveness of Flu Test
According to the Center for Disease Control, the effectiveness of the rapid diagnostic test in detecting the swine flu is only between 10% and 70%, and the test is more accurate in diagnosing the virus in children than in adults.
Viral Culture Tests
Viral culture tests may prove more reliable in determining the presence of the swine flu, according to the CDC, but results take longer to get. Wait time for results may sometimes exceed the window for treatment.
Who is Being Tested
Most people will not be tested for the swine flu, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Services. People who are hospitalized with flu symptoms or those who are pregnant or have underlying medical conditions are most likely to be tested.
Treating the Flu
Due to the nature of false negatives with the rapid diagnostic tests, those who fall into higher risk categories, such as pregnant women, should receive treatment with antiviral drugs even in the event of a negative test result.