How to Stop Bronchial Cough
Things You'll Need
- Vaporizer
- Water
- Cough medicine
Inhale steam. This can be achieved by jumping into a hot shower, or sitting in the bathroom, closing the bathroom door, and turning on the shower. Alternatively, boil water in a stove-top or electric kettle. Place a stopper in the sink, pour the hot water in the sink, place a towel over your head and inhale deeply. The steam will soothe your bronchial passages and will also loosen and phlegm that may be causing discomfort.
Use your inhaler or nebulizer as prescribed. This will help open up your bronchial passages, easing your cough and making you more comfortable.
Drink plenty of fluids. In particular, herbal teas are especially soothing. Increasing your intake of fluids will help loosen any phlegm and help your body expel and extra mucus, relieving your cough.
Use a vaporizer. It emits cool or warm steam. Fill up the vaporizer with the recommended amount of water, plug it in and turn it on.
Take cough medicine. Choose a cough medicine depending upon the type of bronchial cough you have -- whether it's a dry cough or a productive cough -- and take it as directed. If your cough is preventing you from sleeping at night, see your doctor. He or she may be able to recommend a prescription cough suppressant.