How to Deal With an Intestinal Flu
Get plenty of rest to help your body recover from the intestinal flu and any accompanying dehydration.
Avoid food and drinks while you're experiencing nausea.
If you're an adult, take small, frequent sips of water or other liquids such as broth or Gatorade to help prevent dehydration from your stomach flu. You can also try sucking on ice chips. Try to drink only small amounts of liquid at a time, as larger amounts can lead to further vomiting.
Rehydrate children by giving them an oral rehydration solution such as Pedialyte. Oral rehydration solutions can be purchased at drugstores or grocery stores. These solutions are preferable to water, fruit juice or soda, as water is not easily absorbed by children during stomach flu, and sugary drinks can worsen diarrhea.
When you feel up to eating again, start with bland foods such as toast, rice, cereals and crackers. If eating makes you feel worse, stop for a while and try again later.
Call your doctor if you continue to experience vomiting or diarrhea for several days.