Cold Remedy for an Itchy Nose
Vaseline and petroleum jelly will eventually dry skin out, but when used for just a few days, they can be an effective treatment for not only the dry skin in and around the nose area but also for helping keep sinuses moist. In the winter, we sometimes suffer from nosebleeds due to the dry air.
Simply dab a fair amount of petroleum jelly or Vaseline in and around your nose before bed. This will help to keep your sinuses from becoming too dry while you're sick. It will also ward off nosebleeds and will help keep dry skin at bay.
Oatmeal Bath
To help combat dry winter skin (and to help with dry facial and nose skin), make a batch of plain oatmeal and essentially give yourself an oatmeal bath. Allow the oatmeal to cool slightly and then gently apply the thick paste over your skin where you're experiencing the most dryness. Allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes, and then wash away gently with warm, soapy water. You can also add a tablespoon of milk and a tablespoon of warmed honey to the mixture for added moisturizing benefit.
Baking Soda Bath
Baking soda is good for all sorts of itching problems, but most people forget about it when it comes to being sick. Begin filling a bath tub with warm water. As the tub fills up, add one cup of baking soda to the tub. Soak in the tub of baking soda water for up to 60 minutes. For itchy skin that is particularly unbearable, try mixing three parts baking soda with one part water and applying to the itchy areas as a thick paste. This should not be used on the skin if the skin is broken. Mixing a bit of petroleum jelly or moisturizing lotion in with this mixture will help combat an itchy nose. This can be applied before bed and removed with warm, soapy water in the morning.