What Causes Chronic Swollen Tonsils?
The current most common reason why tonsils are removed is that they have become too large. They can interfere with breathing, swallowing and speech. Especially when swollen, they can be hazardous and may block air passage ways.
Chronic Infection
Chronic infections to the tonsils and resulting sore throats and swollen tonsils use to be the main reason for removal, and now stands second. When antibiotics do not offer relief and results, the tonsils are usually removed.
Pits and Pockets
Pits and pockets that line the tonsils are called crypts. In some people they attract bacteria, debris, and dead cells. Bad breath, sore throats, swelling and fever may result. In recurrent and severe cases, removal of the tonsils is the only resort
Sometimes the tonsils are the site where a tumor or growth may occur. Lymphoma or carcinoma can be seen. Enlargement, swollen and painful tonsils usually follow these conditions, and removal is required.
The removal of the tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. It is most often preformed on children, however, in other cases, such as sleep apnea where swollen tonsils block breathing, adults have the day stay procedure.
Most patients do not require an overnight hospital stay. Some may experience a reaction to the anesthesia, dehydration or bleeding.