How to Sleep With Sinus Drainage
Things You'll Need
- Sanostec Sinus Cones
Getting Ready for Bed
Order your Sanostec Sinus Cones from where you may want to do more research an review on the product and its origin. It is worth the investment which is not a big one.
Wash your sheets a few hours prior to laying down so that there is no possible dust underneath you for you to inhale when you lay down. Try to intake the necessary amount of water a day (6 to 8 ounces) as well before lying down at night.
Insert your Sanostec Sinus Cones into your nose as instructed on the package. Simply place a cone in your nostril so that it can prop open your nostril region.You will be shown, on the package, just how far into your nostril region the cone belongs in order to work. However, they may need to be sterilized before being inserted into your nose.
Set the temperature to about 68 to 72 degrees to keep it from getting chilly in your room, and then lay down, get comfortable, and rest your eyes to put you in a sleepy state of mind. Surround yourself in your sheets and lay evenly, not with your head all the way cuffed under the sheets. Rest on a pillow instead of the flat mattress.