Remedies for Ear & Nose Congestion
Decongestant Remedies
Ear and nose congestion may be uncomfortable, but there are several effective ways of treating it. One of the easiest, most natural remedies is getting plenty of fluids. It is recommended to drink two or three times the amount you normally would during the day. Staying hydrated will help keep your mucus thinner, so it will be less uncomfortable and easier to overcome. Try drinking herbal tea or have some chicken soup. These hot fluids will help clear congestion, and will also feel good if you have a sore throat. Spicy foods, especially a spicy soup, may also help clear nasal passages. Avoid alcohol, though, which is a diuretic that further dehydrates the body.
Steam is another home remedy for ear and nose congestion. A vaporizer or hot shower can make you feel a lot better, and help open up your sinuses and thin out your mucus.
There are medications specifically made to help with congestion. Antihistamines, for example, can be helpful in treating a runny nose, though they may make you drowsy. Pseudoephedrin is a powerful decongestant. Be sure to follow the directions carefully, and consider the possible side effects before taking this drug; dizziness and insomnia are just a couple of the potential side effects, and there are many people who should not take this medicine because of other conditions they may have. When in doubt, always consult your doctor about any medications you consider taking.
Nasal sprays can be very effective in relieving congestion, though they should be used with care. They can be addictive, and overuse can be damaging and actually make your symptoms worse.
If your symptoms do not improve or if they worsen, call your doctor's office. They can help you determine whether your congestion is something more serious, and give you more tips regarding which methods you should use to clear up your nasal and ear canals.