How to Naturally Cure the Common Cold Virus
Take Zinc supplements every day. Zinc helps to relieve some symptoms of a cold, and also helps to shorten the duration of the common cold. It's suggested that you take about 10 milligrams, twice per day.
Take Andrographis in supplemental form daily. The adrographis plant helps to improve cardiovascular and digestive health. It was used during The Great Flu Epidemic in 1919, and has been a popular remedy in India ever since. It's suggested you take about 400 milligrams, three times per day.
Take Echinacea in supplemental form daily. Echinacea has been a popular cold remedy since the 1800s. It can help reduce the severity of a cold, as well as shorten the colds duration. It's recommended that you take about 400-800 milligrams per day.