How to Get Rid of a Common Cold
Things You'll Need
- Liquids
- Large glass bowl
- Towel
Drink plenty of fluids such as tea, water and juice to avoid dehydration. Avoid liquids with alcohol or caffeine, which can make your symptoms worse.
Get rest. If you can, stay home from work or school and stay in bed.
Use saline nasal drops for a dry, stuffy or swollen nose. This is a natural help and can be used as often as needed. Over-the-counter decongestant sprays can cause mucus membranes to swell---the exact opposite of what you want. Saline drops are also safe to use in children and infants.
Take mild pain relievers with acetaminophen for headaches, fever or sore throat. But make sure to follow the recommended dosage listed on the package. Overuse can cause liver damage. Check with your doctor before giving acetaminophen to a child.
Put a humidifier in your room. This will make the air more moist, which can help alleviate coughing. Also consider sitting in a bathroom with the tub or shower running hot water, or inhaling the steam from a large bowl of hot water with a towel over your head.
Gargle with warm salt water to soothe a sore throat. This can be done as often as needed.