Help for a Blocked Nose
A stuffed-up nose is usually caused by colds and flu. Other causes can include allergies to food, such as milk or wheat, or environmental allergens such as grass and dust. A more serious sinus infection could be the cause if there is intense pressure and pain in the sinuses or head. In this case a doctor should be consulted as antibiotics may be necessary to clear the infection.
Steam Treatment
Steam can be a quick and easy way to drain congestion.The simplest way to use steam is to stand in a hot shower and breathe deeply through the nose. As an alternative, you can create your own miniature steam room with a bowl of hot water and a towel. Drape the towel over your head and lean your head over the bowl, capturing the steam. Inhale through the nose, allowing the steam to open up the nasal passages and loosen congested mucus.
Saline Solution
Saline drops are widely available from drugstores, but a home remedy can work just as well. To help unblock the nose, mix ¼ teaspoon of salt with one cup of warm water. Distilled or bottled water is better than tap water as it has been purified. Fill a nasal dropper with the saline mixture, tilt the head back and place five to 10 drops of the solution into each nostril that is blocked. Continue to hold your head back, letting the saline flow through the nasal passages.
What we eat has a direct effect on our overall health as well as more particular conditions such as sinus health. To reduce the amount of mucus in your nasal passages, try cutting down on dairy products. Make sure your diet includes nutrients such as vitamin C and zinc to aid your body's immune system, helping it to recover from any colds or flu. Stay properly hydrated to maintain overall health and help thin out thickened mucus.
Pharmaceutical Aids
If the blockage is severe or painful, head to a drugstore for decongestants. These come in the form of nose drops or tablets, and act on the nasal passages to reduce inflammation and mucus production. Beware that decongestants should be used sparingly as prolonged use can result in a "rebound effect" in which the congestion returns with equal or more strength than before treatment.