Native American Remedies for the Flu
Traditional Native-American Remedies
Dr. Ernst Krebs suggests that during the 1918 outbreak of the Spanish Flu, Native Americans used a rare species of the parsley family called leptotaemia dissecta as a cure. According to Krebs, there were no deaths related to influenza among the Washoe tribe, who had access to this plant along the foothills of the Sierra. They would cut up a pound of the root and boil it. After skimming off the froth that is created on top of the plant, they would drink the broth daily until the symptoms passed. Today, this plant can be purchased in capsule form.
The Menominees used the inner bark from native hemlock as a cure for influenza. They would also boil it and drink it like a tea. It is said to help by making you sweat and relieving the fever and chills.
The Delaware Indians boiled the inner bark of Dogwood to make their
fever-reducing tea. Also used in the same way by various tribes are the Willow and the Feverwort. Some used the bark, some the root, and some used the leaves to make the tea. Also known to treat flu symptoms are Rabbit Tobacco, Sage, and Wild Cherry.Because the Native Indians lived off their land, their specific remedies would depend on their location and what was available to them. The Washoe tribe, for example, was fortunate to have access to Lomatium Dissectum, as it very well may have saved many lives. Other tribes in surrounding areas who did not have access to the plant were not so fortunate, and experienced deaths due to the Spanish Flu.
Contemporary Use of Remedies
Today, we are fortunate to have access to the discoveries of the Native Americans. In many cases, you can purchase these herbal remedies in capsule or tea form. Always be sure to read instructions and take the recommended dosage. Although natural, some of the herbs can have powerful and negative effects on your body if not taken properly.