Homemade Decongestant Recipe
Making Your Decongestant: Carrier Oils to Use
Anytime you use essential oils, you should dilute them in a carrier oil. Carrier oils do just as the name implies: they "carry" the essential oil. Just about any vegetable oil can be used for this purpose. For home medicinal use, olive oil is a popular, easy choice. Other good choices include coconut oil, sesame seed oil or sweet almond oil. Coconut oil would need to be melted over very low heat before the essential oils are mixed in, but it makes a good choice because of its semi-solid state at room temperature. This can make it easy to spread on the chest and back.
Essential Oils to Use
Essential oils that make good decongestants include frankincense, rosemary, sweet basil, eucalyptus, peppermint and marjoram. Common store-bought decongestant chest rubs contain a few of these ingredients, but by making your own at home, you can fine tune the scent and strength to suit your needs. Note that these essential oils tend to be mildly irritating and can sting if they touch the eyes. Use caution when handling them, and do not use them on the face near the eyes and mouth.
How to Use Essential Oils
Any time you use essential oils, less is better. Use no more than three oils in any combination. Eucalyptus is a good choice to start, and then add one to two other oils. Marjoram has sedative properties, so it can help you sleep. Peppermint has a strong scent that can clear nasal passages quickly and effectively. Each oil has slightly different properties. You may want to make a small amount and slightly change the recipe as your needs change. Start with perhaps half a cup of carrier oil, and add 25 drops of essential oil. One good recipe to start with might be 10 drops of eucalyptus, 5 drops of peppermint and 5 drops of marjoram.
Ways to Use Your Decongestant
There are several ways to use this preparation. You can simply rub it onto your chest and back, lie down, and breathe in. You should notice your congestion lifting almost immediately, at least by the third breath. Another method is to add a few drops of your oil to a large mixing bowl, add boiling water, place your face near (but not too near) the water, cover your head with a towel, and breathe in. You can also use this preparation as a bath oil. Add about a quarter cup of your oil to the tub and soak for 20 minutes. Both the steam method and the bath method will work with essential oils only or the preparation you have made.