How to Care for a Chest Cold
Stay home from work and rest. According to a study conducted by Paul Little, a doctor and professor of medicine at the University of Southampton in England, getting plenty of rest proved to be just as effective in treating chest colds as taking antibiotics. Rest allows the body to fight infection naturally and build back its defenses against disease.
Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Increasing your normal fluid intake actually helps to thin out mucus, which in turn can make your cough more productive and help rid your lungs of viral or bacterial infection faster. Drinking more fluids also helps to detoxify the body and keep cells healthy enough to fight disease.
If you smoke, stop, and avoid others who smoke. Cigarette smoke and other breathable irritants can only exacerbate chest cold symptoms and prolong your recovery by increasing mucus production and bronchial inflammation.
Take time to breathe in steam or set up a vaporizer in your home. Breathing in steam can help break up mucus that has settled in the lungs. One option is to turn on a hot shower and sit in the bathroom with the door closed. Or you can simmer a pot of water until steam forms, remove the pot from the heat and, with your head covered by a towel, lean your head over the pot. A home vaporizer can also be effective as a phlegm expectorant.