How to Unplug Ears From Sinus Pressure
Things You'll Need
- Decongestant
- Antihistamine
- Doctor
- Wash cloth
- Neti pot
- Hot water
- Eucalyptus oil
- Hydrogen peroxide
Finding Relief
Take an over-the-counter decongestant at the first sign of any sinus pressure. Combine the decongestant with a pain reliever that has anti-inflammatory properties such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Take an antihistamine such as Benadryl or Claritin if the sinus pressure is the result of seasonal allergies causing the sinus cavity to over-react. See a doctor if the condition persists or worsens within seven days after taking these medications.
Purchase a neti pot (sinus wash) from a pharmacy for less than $20. Combine 1 cup of warm water with a 1/2 tsp. of sea salt. Mix until the salt is completely dissolved and pour into the neti pot. Place the opening of the neti pot on the right nostril and tilt the head until the chin is parallel with the shoulder. Allow the solution to go throughout the entire sinus cavity and come out the other nostril. Gently blow the nose and repeat the process on the left nostril.
Take a washcloth and run it under hot water for 20 seconds. Ring it out and place two to three drops of eucalyptus oil on the washcloth. Place the cloth directly on the nose and eyes while lying down. Keep the washcloth warm and moist by repeating the process as much as needed to keep the sinus cavity moist and soothed by the warmth.
Use hydrogen peroxide to help open the ear. Lie down and have a friend or family member pour hydrogen peroxide into your ear. He should pour enough so he can see the peroxide bubbling. Lay there for 30 seconds. Turn the head to empty the hydrogen peroxide and repeat on the other ear.