What Are the Sympotoms of a Head Cold?
Nasal Discharge
A cold can cause a runny nose. It is common for individuals affected by a head cold to experience a runny nose. As the virus runs its course, the discharge becomes thicker, sometimes turning yellow or green in appearance.
A cold can cause an individual to run a fever. A mild fever is also a symptom of a head cold. While the average human body temperature is 98.6, those suffering from the virus may run a fever up to 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
A cold can cause fatigue. The cold virus can often lead to sore muscles and other body aches. As such, cold sufferers often feel weak, experiencing bouts of fatigue.
One of the common symptoms of a head cold is coughing. This can be pronounced in those who suffer from asthma.
Sore Throat
A cold can cause a sore throat. When suffering from a head cold, an individual's throat often becomes itchy or soars. This symptom can be relieved through the use of cough lozenges.