Sinus Cures for Children

Sinus infections are the result of inflammation of the sinuses. A bacterial infection is the most common cause, producing swelling and pain on the sides of the face. This requires treatment with antibiotics and a doctor needs to be consulted immediately. However, viruses can also trigger sinusitis and can be treated with natural remedies.
  1. Remedies - Steam Inhalation

    • Steam inhalation is highly recommended for sinus relief because it helps drain the sinuses. This can accomplished in many ways. A simple method is to run the shower and let the child inhale the vapors while in a closed bathroom. It is also advisable to run a humidifier in the child's room to increase the moisture content of the air.
      Instead of simple steam inhalation, some natural ingredients may be added to hot water to make it more effective. Apple cider vinegar contains potassium and is known to break up and loosen the mucus, thereby relieving the sinus pressure. It can be consumed or added to the steam by being mixed with hot water.
      The same holds true for garlic, which helps fights inflammation. Garlic extract, juice or capsules can be consumed, or if that is too difficult for the child, it may be added to water for steam inhalation.
      Eucalyptus oil, which fights inflammation, can be added to water for steam inhalation or applied to the nose and congested areas directly if the child will allow it. Avoid applying to face or mouth. Like vapor rubs this may cause some burning sensation in the eyes, so use with caution.
      Vapor rub maybe applied on the chest to ease congestion. But this sometimes triggers wheezing and needs to be used with caution. Alternatively, a spoon full of vapor rub may be added to hot water and the child may be asked to breathe the vapors.

    Other Remedies

    • Elevating the level of the head makes breathing easier and can reduce the discomfort of congestion. Adjust the lying position so that the head is elevated in relation to rest of the body.
      Make sure to keep the child hydrated with lots of fluids. Water, fruit juices, soups and tea can all help.
      Sinus infection may be triggered by a cold and vitamin C is known to help with a cold. Consuming natural foods like orange juice or vitamin C caplets can help. Lemonade is also useful as it contains antiviral substances.
      Non-medicated saline drops help irrigate the nasal passage and aids with congestion.

    Consult a Doctor

    • If the cold and sinus symptoms last for more than a week, consult a doctor as antibiotics may be necessary. If the child has a high fever--over 102--or seems very ill even for a short duration, a doctor needs to be consulted.

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