Cures for the Common Cold & Congestion

Congestion, coughing, a sore throat and a runny nose are signs of the common cold. Colds are rarely serious, and symptoms tend to disappear within a week. There isn't a cure for the common cold, but there are ways to relieve the symptoms and get rid of congestion in the chest and nose.
  1. Treat Symptoms With Medication

    • Medicine is an effective and quick way to relieve symptoms of the common cold and congestion. Browse the medicine aisles at the supermarket or pharmacy. There are remedies for every cold symptom, from a runny nose to body aches. Choose medications designed for your specific symptoms. For example, a medication that features a decongestant is useful for thinning mucus and producing nasal discharge.
      Because colds are common, a doctor's appointment isn't necessary. But if symptoms do not respond to cold medication, another condition such as an allergy or sinusitis may be the culprit. Experiment with allergy medications or seek medical treatment for a sinus infection. Infections generally require antibiotics.

    Drink Fluids

    • There are several reasons to drink fluids while you are sick with the common cold. Water flushes toxins from your body, which can help strengthen your immune system. In addition, increasing your water intake can loosen mucus in your body and relieve congestion. To help soothe a sore throat, drink hot decaffeinated tea or eat chicken noodle soup or chicken broth. According to the Mayo Clinic, chicken noodle soup also eases congestion and stimulates nasal discharge.
      Drink eight glasses of water a day to keep your body hydrated, and get plenty of orange juice to supply your body with vitamin C to fight the infection

    Get Rest

    • Because colds are usually mild, there's a tendency to continue with your normal routine. But staying busy or engaging in strenuous exercises can complicate cold symptoms and prolong recovery. Even if cold symptoms aren't severe, adequate rest is essential to boost your immune system and overcome the illness. You might want to limit household chores, work and other activities and refrain from exercising until you feel better. Get at least eight hours of sleep a night.

    Use a Humidifier

    • You can also loosen mucus in your nasal passages and chest with a humidifier. Dry air stimulates congestion. But positioning a cool mist humidifier in your bedroom can prompt nasal discharge and ease chest congestion. If a humidifier isn't available, take a steam shower or sit in the bathroom with the shower running.

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