Instant Stuffy Runny Nose Relief
Steam it Up
Use steam as a powerful tool to fight congestion from colds and allergies. Breathing in the warm moist air will feel soothing on your lungs and nasal passages and will help break up all that excess mucus. You can buy a vaporizer at a pharmacy or drug store that can run at night while you're sleeping. Another alternative is to just heat a pot of water on the stove. You can get a lot of relief from the congestion by sitting with your face over the steamy water for a while. Be careful not to get too close, because hot steam can burn the skin. To make the mixture even more soothing, add a mixture of aromatic herbs or even some peppermint oil to the water. If you're short on time, a hot steamy shower will also do the trick.
Nasal Irrigation
Try a nasal irrigation kit if the steam hasn't worked. People have used nasal irrigation kits, sometimes called neti pots, for centuries to relieve congestion and sinus pressure. Usually these devices are shaped like a small tea pot. You can fill the pot with a lukewarm salt water solution. Rather than pushing the water through your sinuses by force, the neti pot uses gravity to let the water flush out your nasal passages. This is done by tilting the head, inserting the the spout of the device into the upper nostril and letting the water flow through the sinuses and out the opposite nostril. Many people swear by this method for maintaining discomfort from allergies or colds. It is a safe and natural way to flush excess mucus out of the nose. You can also do it several times a day with no side effects.
Turn to your doctor for some powerful relief from a stuffy, runny nose. While there is no cure for the common cold, there are many medications that can help fight the symptoms. Take a trip to the pharmacy or grocery store and you will probably find an entire aisle dedicated to colds and flu. If your congestion is due to allergies, look for a product that contains antihistamines. Decongestants can temporarily relieve congestion but shouldn't be used for more than a few days, to prevent chronic inflammation. Medications containing expectorants may help to thin out mucus and make it easier to clear out.