Cures for Constantly Stuffy Nose
A constantly stuffy nose is no fun. It interferes with your breathing and keeps you from getting a good night's sleep. It can be caused by allergies, pollution in the air or sinus infections. You can purchase decongestants at any pharmacy or grocery store--or speak to a doctor about stronger medication--but they often have unwanted side effects such as drowsiness. Numerous home cures exist as well; most are extremely effective and extremely inexpensive.-
Applying hot steam to a stuffy nose helps moisturize the mucus, unclogging it and helping you to breathe. You can get steam from a hot shower or bath, or by draping your head in a hot towel and leaning over a bowl of heated water. (Naturalists at Natural Cures For advise adding essence of eucalyptus leaves to the water to speed this process.)
Hot, steamy food helps as well; chicken soup and hot tea have been used as cold remedies for generations.
If you suffer from a chronically stuffy nose, use a humidifier to help ease the symptoms. Use distilled water in it (tap water carries minerals that can affect humidifiers), and clean the humidifier weekly using a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar to maximize its effectiveness.
Certain foods can help alleviate a stuffy nose, and making them a regular part of your diet can keep the condition from recurring. Spicy foods are an excellent place to start. They encourage runny noses, breaking up the mucus more readily and helping you breathe. Indian food, certain kinds of Mexican food and anything with peppers in it should do the trick. Foods with Vitamin C are advisable as well, according to, and 50 mg a day of zinc supplements might also be useful in treating stuffy noses. Stay away from alcohol, especially beer and wine; according to Georgetown University Medical Center, they exacerbate a stuffy nose.
Sitting Up and Working Out
If you have a constantly stuffy nose, keep your head elevated. This helps drain the nasal passages and prevents mucus from building up. Add an extra pillow for your head when you sleep or sit up in bed. Brisk walking or jogging helps to shrink the membranes in the nose, reducing chronic stuffiness. Make a 30-minute walk a part of your daily regimen.