How to Stop Runny Nose Due to Cold
Things You'll Need
- Tissue,
- Nasal spray,
- Cold medication,
- Humidifier
Blow your nose. Grab a tissue or handkerchief and gently blow your nose several times to loosen mucus. This removes discharge and temporarily provides some relief.
Use a nasal spray. Getting rid of a runny nose due to a cold often calls for temporarily stimulating nasal discharge to clear your nasal passage. Purchase a nasal spray from your local drug store. Follow the instructions and spray the medication into each nostril to remove excess mucus and slow down or halt sinus drainage.
Take cold medication. Over-the-counter cold medications target a variety of cold symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, congestion and runny nose. Choose your medication carefully, and look for brands that list nasal discharge among the symptoms treated.
Refrain from eating spicy foods. Spicy and hot foods normally open the nasal passage and stimulate a runny nose.
Stay warm. Exposure to cold temperatures can also trigger nasal discharge. To relieve a runny nose due to a cold, stay indoors to avoid cold temperatures or wear appropriate clothing to keep your body warm.
Get a humidifier. A cool mist humidifier works by loosening or moistening mucus. Place a humidifier in your bedroom to promote nasal drainage and relieve a runny nose.