Home Remedy for Swollen Tonsils & Adenoids
Signs and Symptoms
There are several symptoms that go along with swollen tonsils and adenoids. Some symptoms include: pain when swallowing, chills and fever, inflamed, enlarged and engorged tonsils or adenoids, tender and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and jaw area, respiratory problems, headaches, runny nose and nasal congestion, and severe sore throat.
Home Remedies
Inflamed tonsils and adenoids can be treated at home with ingredients commonly found in your pantry or garden. These home remedies can soothe any discomfort caused by inflammation and sometimes can even reduce the inflammation.
Fruits and vegetables are very effective against inflamed tonsils and adenoids. Squeezing lime juice in warm water with honey and salt can create a soothing potion for the throat. Juices of beet, carrot, and cucumber are also great treatments for tonsillitis. You may also try taking a lemon and cutting it in two pieces. Put a dash of salt and pepper on one half, allowing it to seep through the fruit. Steam the lemon to warm it up, then lick the lemon until all the juice is consumed.
Milk is also an effective treatment. Boiled milk with a dash of pepper and turmeric powder may be taken every night for three consecutive nights as a form of treatment.
The important key to remember when treating tonsils and adenoids is to stay hydrated. Consume as much liquid as possible. Cold or even frozen liquids will help comfort and numb the throat. You can also drink hot beverages, such as tea with lemon juice or hot soup.
Finally, to make an effective gargling solution, mix 2 tsp. of onion juice with warm water. Gargling this mixture can help cure the condition. If you do not like onions, mix some salt with lukewarm water and gargle with this mixture three times a day.
Things to Avoid
There are also foods and beverages you should avoid, as they can exacerbate the inflammation or make the pain worse. Stay away from acidic beverages and spicy foods. They will only irritate the throat. Also avoid fried food and sour ingredients like buttermilk.
Some quiet time may also help---give your throat some rest by trying to avoid talking.