Common Cold Facts & Information
Colds are caused by more than 200 different types of viruses. The most common is the Rhinovirus which has over 100 different varieties.
The symptoms associated with a cold--coughing, fever, congestion and runny nose--are caused by the immune system's battle with the virus.
Time Frame
Once symptoms of a cold begin developing, they can last 3 to 10 days, on average.
Washing your hands with warm water and soap is the best defense, especially if you have young children or are around infected people. Covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing can prevent the spread of your germs, too.
Medication relieves the symptoms of a cold but does little to fight the cold. In fact, medications that prevent coughing could make it harder to alleviate chest congestion and nose drops used for more than 3 days can cause rebound nasal congestion. Chicken soup, a humidifier, and lots of fluids help ease congestion and provide relief without over-the-counter drugs.