Globus Symptoms
Globus can cause a feeling of blockage in the throat.
Globus symptoms are only felt by the patient and are usually evident only to the patient, even on a physical examination. In fact, the lack of other symptoms is one thing that helps to lead to a diagnosis of globus. Most commonly, patients describe either a lump in the throat, a constriction or an obstruction of some sort. There is usually no pain, though some patients may report a difficulty swallowing, especially if they are just swallowing saliva, but this is not always the case.
Though the effects of globus are mainly related to feelings of the patient, they can be quite bothersome, especially for those who do not understand what is happening. Those with such symptoms should seek medical advice, just to make sure the problem is not something more serious. Other types of medical conditions, such as muscle disorders and lesions, may lead to similar discomfort in patients.
In order to determine if the symptoms are globus or one of any number of other throat conditions, a direct examination is often performed. Patients may be observed swallowing a simple food, such as crackers. Also a laryngoscopy may be done. If cancer is a concern, the doctor may order blood tests as well. For those who are experiencing pain, the problem is probably something other than globus.
Though there is no known cause for globus, those at risk seem to be those who have experienced dry mouth, swallow frequently, or perhaps are dealing with a great deal of stress. In some cases, the lump in the throat associated with these risk factors may be temporary, but it could last a very long time.
There is no known cure for the symptoms associated with globus, though several things could help. First, mitigating the risk factors and finding effective ways to deal with stress could lessen the symptoms. Also, keeping a bottle of water or other beverage nearby to drink to help wet the mouth and throat area may be effective for some individuals as well.