Analysis of Delsym Cough Medicine
Delsym Cough Medicine
Proper Use
- states that patients should not use Delsym in large doses or longer than prescribed to prevent adverse effects. Also, children 4 years of age or younger should not take this medication. In some cases, children have died due to delsym misuse. Drink plenty of fluids while on Delsym to help with congestion and the passing of the medication, and contact your doctor immediately if you experience a rash, headache or worsening cough.
Do not take Delsym if you are on any MAO inhibitors or have been on one in the previous two weeks. states that mixing these two can cause serious life-threatening side effects. Do not take any other cough medications or allergy medicines with Delsym, as adverse effects may occur. Delsym may be harmful to unborn babies, so tell your doctor if you are pregnant before use and consult your doctor if you are also breastfeeding.
Side Effects
- and report that many patients experience side effects while taking Delsym. These include a serious allergic reaction characterized by hives, trouble breathing and swelling of the face, mouth, throat and lips. Other serious side effects are severe dizziness, shallow breathing, confusion and possible hallucinations. adds that nausea, vomiting and drowsiness may also occur. If any of these persist, stop use and contact your doctor.
What to Avoid
There are many things to avoid while using Delsym to prevent certain side effects or worsening of side effects. This drug can interact with reaction time and thinking, so avoid drinking alcohol while on Delsym to prevent further complications. Avoid taking diet pills, drinks that contain caffeine (soda, coffee) and medications to treat ADHD. Anti-depressants should also not be taken while on this medication.
Take this medication with food or milk if it hurts your stomach, according to If you are using this without being prescribed to do so by a doctor, call your doctor to make sure you are taking the right dose. Dosage is based on age and health response to treatment. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you can but be sure to not take too many doses in a short period of time. Possible overdose symptoms include restlessness or nervousness.