Can You Get the Flu More Than Once?
Types A, B, C
The worst flu strain is categorized as Influenza A, which often results in several deaths each year. Influenza B is the most common strain, while Influenza C is a very mild form of the flu. Influenza A and B constantly change and are responsible for the annual "flu season."
The normal treatment for the flu is rest and liquids. A new medication, Tamaflu is available but is only effective in certain strains of the virus.
According to the Center for Disease Control, up to 20 percent of Americans get the flu each year. Those with weak immune systems are more susceptible, but healthy people can also contract the flu.
People who have the flu should stay home from work or school so they do not pass it to other people. Washing hands thoroughly and covering the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing also prevent the spread of the flu.
Each year new strains of the flu appear during the flu season, including the swine flu that made headlines in spring 2009. The best defense against contracting the virus is to get a flu shot, especially if you are in a high risk group.