Colds Vs. Sinus Infections
A cold is a viral infection that is contagious and spreads via airborne germs that live on surfaces. A sinus infection, or sinusitis, is not contagious and is an infection in the sinuses.
Only the symptoms of the common cold can be treated. The treatment for a sinus infection requires antibiotic medication to kill the infection, which will relieve the symptoms.
It is estimated that over 200 viruses can cause a cold. Sinus infections affect around 37 million Americans each year; many sinus infections begin with a cold or allergies.
Those who have the symptoms of a cold should feel better within seven days. If the symptoms persist or become worse, you may have sinusitis.
If sinusitis is suspected, visiting a doctor will be necessary, as an antibiotic will be the only course of treatment to rid the body of the infection.