Causes of Congestion
Congestion is either the result of the common cold, allergies or a weakened immune system. When the body is fighting a cold or reacting to an allergy, it naturally defends itself by releasing histamine and over-producing mucus in order to drain the body of potential threats. When the body over-produces mucus, it can stop up the drainage system and cause congestion. Another cause is irritation in the chest, sinuses or ears that causes the body to produce mucus to sooth itself.
When the body recognizes a particular substance as a potential danger, it has an allergic reaction. The immune system responds to the allergy by releasing antibodies and histamine to ward off the substance. This chemical release causes adverse reactions throughout the body. The most common is the over-production of mucus, causing severe congestion throughout the nose, ears and chest. The most common allergies that cause congestion are: pollen, dairy products and pet dander.
Common Cold
Another cause of congestion is the common cold. The common cold can be either a harmful virus or bacteria that enters the body and attacks the immune system. The body will try to kill the virus or bacteria in a number of ways. The body will rise its temperature (a fever) to kill the harmful irritant, it will require more sleep to strengthen the immune system and it will produce mucus to clean itself out. Many times the production of mucus causes congestion throughout the body.
Weakened Immune System
Through lack of sleep, poor diet and not enough water an lead to a weakened immune system. The immune system is the body's way of staying healthy and protecting itself from sickness and disease. When the immune system isn't taken care of through sleep, exercise, good food and plenty of water, the most vulnerable parts of the body are open to attack. One of the most sensitive areas in the body is the sinus cavity. When the immune system is weakened, the first sign is congestion in the sinuses. The sinuses can easily become irritated or infected, leading to severe congestion.
Common congestion is easily treated with an over-the-counter decongestant or mucus expeller. A decongestant will reduce any swelling causing congestion, stop the over-production of mucus and dry out any stopped up areas throughout the body. A mucus expeller will assist the body in draining properly. If the congestion is more severe, a prescription strength decongestant may be needed. If the congestion is causing pain, take a pain-reliever to treat the pain.