Stomach Flu and Weight Loss
Both vomiting and diarrhea expel fluids necessary for the body to function properly. When the body starts getting rid of fluids that belong in the body, dehydration occurs. These fluids and their weight disappear in the course of vomiting and diarrhea.
Loss of Appetite
Because stomach flu causes vomiting and diarrhea, it is common for the appetite to disappear. This lack of appetite and the resulting deficient calorie intake result in weight loss.
Weight loss from the flu is usually temporary. Once the diarrhea and vomiting disappear, the water weight comes back. After the stomach upset stops, there is sometimes an appetite increase because of an empty stomach. Eating an increased number of calories can help you regain of the weight lost from the flu.
To prevent weight loss from the flu, drink beverages that contain calories, such as lemon-lime soda. Eat or drink broth-based soups or broth alone. Make sure to take in plenty of fluids overall to prevent dehydration.
Prolonged vomiting and diarrhea warrant a call to the doctor. Severe weight loss indicates a major problem, and the need to see a doctor immediately.