Foggy Brain & Chronic Sinus Infection
There are three types of sinus infections: common, reoccurring and chronic. A common sinus infection happens at random throughout a person's life with no consistency. A reoccurring sinus infection will come and ago over a period of time. For example, an individual may notice he or she has a sinus infection every-other month. The last kind of sinus infection is chronic. This is a sinus infection that lasts more than two weeks, up to eight weeks. Many times chronic sinus infections do not respond to traditional antibiotics. Foggy brain is a common symptom of someone suffering from a chronic sinus infection. Foggy brain is "feelings of mental confusion or lack of mental clarity," according to
Foggy brain can be caused by various reasons. It is commonly seen in depression, low self-esteem and an over-worked immune system. When an individual has a chronic sinus infection, the immune system slowly wears itself out and is unable to perform like it would in a healthy state. The weakened immune system causes fatigue, lack of motivation and both physical and mental weakness.
A person suffering from a chronic sinus infection and foggy brain will be closely monitored by a physician. He or she will most likely be placed on strong antibiotics to fight off the infection and a prescription decongestant, to heal the swollen sinus cavity. A prescribed mucus expeller may also be recommended to assist the body in ridding itself of excessive mucus build-up. In severe cases, a person may need to be hospitalized.
The best way to prevent foggy brain from a chronic sinus infection is to recognize early symptoms of a sinus infection and maintain a strong immune system. Early symptoms of a sinus infection are a stuffy nose, a headache and nasal discharge. Taking an over-the-counter decongestant at the first sign of congestion may prevent infection. Maintaining a strong immune system by drinking at least six to eight ounces of water daily, getting at least eight hours of sleep a night and eating a well-balanced diet, can help your body ward off unwanted sickness.
If a chronic sinus infection with foggy brain goes without medication for too long, the infection can spread into the ears, eyes and chest. Once the infection has spread, it can lead to other complications throughout the body. Foggy brain can lead to depression, low self-esteem and fatigue. It is recommended that an individual suffering from this condition talk with his supervisor at work. Otherwise, the lack of job performance may cost him the job.