Home Remedies for the Common Cold
Tackle a Cold With Supplements
There's no surefire method to prevent catching a cold, and there's no miracle cure for the common cold. However, according to the Doctors Book of Home Remedies, vitamin C and zinc supplements are effective remedies for colds. A viral infection caused your cold, so improving your immune system will help you fight the infection and bring quick relief. Vitamin C is a proven immune system booster, and taking supplements or drinking vitamin C-rich beverages such as orange juice and cranberry juice can strengthen your immunities. Zinc lozenges reduce common cold symptoms such as coughing and sore throat and can cut down the duration of your cold. It's important to take supplements as directed, so read labels carefully.
Congestion and Scratchy Throat
Along with a runny nose and cough, congestion and a sore throat are common symptoms of a cold. You can fight these symptoms with home remedies.
Congestion refers to the accumulation of mucus or fluids in the chest or nasal passage. This symptom can trigger other complications, such as coughing and breathing problems. Home remedies for congestion including increasing your water intake and drinking hot liquids to break up mucus and ease breathing.
Hot liquids such as tea and chicken soup can also soothe your sore throat and ease chronic coughs. You can also use a humidifier or steam from a shower to remedy congestion.
Importance of Rest
Without proper rest, your body can't heal or recover. And if you're looking to overcome a common cold fast, it's imperative to rest your body as much as possible during the day and get at least eight hours of sleep a night.
A weakened immune system means your body is unable to fight infection, and this often results in fatigue or low energy. Colds are rarely serious and don't normally call for total bed rest. Still, it's best to alter or slow down your daily routine. Conserving your energy will help you heal sooner.
If your cold symptoms worsen or don't improve within a few days, take a day or two and stay home from school or work and rest your body. During this time, limit your movement and don't engage in strenuous activities such as exercise.