Head Colds & Upper Jaw Pain
A head cold is "a viral infection of your upper respiratory tract --- your nose and throat," according to the Mayo Clinic. A head cold will affect the main functions of the head. A head cold will cloud the mind, increase fatigue and create discomfort and pain around the surrounding areas. Jaw pain is the result of many head colds because of the pressure built up in the sinuses, inner ears and eyes. The added pressure presses on the roots of the upper jaw and teeth, resulting in mild to severe pain.
The best way to prevent upper jaw pain from a head cold is to eat well, sleep at least 8 hours a night and live a stress-free lifestyle. The reason most people develop a head cold is due to a weakened immune system. By strengthening the immune system, an individual can avoid getting a head cold and the result of upper jaw pain. If you begin to see signs of a head cold, take an over-the-counter decongestant immediately to clear out any mucus build up in the head.
The most common treatment for a head cold with upper jaw pain is medication. A combination of over-the-counter drugs can help. Taking a decongestant, a mucus expeller and a pain reliever will fight the symptoms and help the body ward off any potential infection. If the head cold has progressed into an infection, you need to see a doctor and begin taking prescription antibiotics and a pain reliever for the jaw pain.
Not all upper jaw pain is caused by a head cold. Knowing the symptoms of a head cold will help you determine if the pain in the jaw is related to a head cold. A head cold is not simply a runny nose and the sniffles. It can affect every area of the head: the eyes, the nose and the ears. Each area of the head will be very congested, irritated and uncomfortable. The main symptoms are fatigue, a fever, sneezing, congestion, headaches and even dizziness or the chills.
If a head cold with upper jaw pain is not treated with antibiotics, the infection can spread into other areas of the body such as the lungs, the throat and even the brain. Upper jaw pain is a sign that your sinuses are very inflamed and need medical attention. If the infection spreads into other areas of the body, the individual may have to be hospitalized and treated with high doses of antibiotics.