Sinus Drainage Symptoms

One of the first signs of the common cold, allergies or a weakened immune system is sinus irritation. When the sinus cavity is aggravated, it initially produces excess mucus, resulting in congestion, swollen membranes and drainage. The sinus drainage is harmless most of the time but can lead to mild pain and discomfort in the nose, throat and stomach.
  1. Facts

    • The sinus cavity sits behind the nose and eyes as a large empty space and is covered with a light layer of mucus that catches unwanted particles in the air that could be harmful to the lungs. The sinus cavity is highly sensitive and can respond quickly to a weakened immune system, foreign bacteria or viruses with excess mucus, causing continual drainage. This sinus drainage is the body's way of attempting to rid itself of the unwanted viral or bacterial presence in the body.


    • The most common type of sinus drainage is post-nasal drip. Post-nasal drip is the slow, constant nasal drainage in the back of the throat. This slow constant drip causes mucus buildup in the back of the throat, producing a constant cough. It also builds up mucus in the stomach and can produce a sour and upset feeling. Sometimes this leads to nausea and vomiting.


    • Drying out the sinuses with an over-the-counter decongestant or antihistamine is the best way to alleviate sinus drainage. If the drainage is caused by the common cold or a weakened immune system, a decongestant is advisable. If the runny nose is due to allergies, taking an antihistamine on a daily basis will help to keep the sinus cavity open and dry. Eating foods that are dry will ease a sour stomach because the dry foods will absorb the excess mucus in the stomach.


    • To prevent sinus drainage symptoms, stay hydrated with at least six 8-oz glasses of water daily. Hydration is essential to maintaining a healthy and moistened sinus cavity. Getting plenty of sleep (at least eight hours a night) will help strengthen the immune system, preventing the body from getting run down and responding with nasal discharge. Using a humidifier while sleeping will also help maintain the proper moisture in the sinus cavity. The ideal humidity is between 30 percent and 40 percent for healthy sinuses.


    • Nasal drainage symptoms are easy to identify. The first sign is a stuffy nose that is quickly followed by nasal discharge through the nostrils and then the back of the throat. A sore throat, cough and sour stomach may follow. Nasal drainage is typically clear and thick. If the discharge becomes deeply yellow, see a doctor to determine if you have a sinus infection.

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