Home Remedy for a Hoarse Voice
Fill a bowl with boiling water. Drape a towel across your shoulders and lean forward, placing your head directly above the bowl. Pull the towel around your head, creating a miniature steam bath. Breathe deeply, allowing the vapor to moisten the dry, irritated tissues of the nose and throat. Remain in this position for approximately 10 minutes. If desired, a few drops of essential oil, such as peppermint or eucalyptus, can be added to the water to enhance the effect.
Sipping fluids is another way to keep your larynx moistened. For the greatest benefit, drinks should be warm, not hot or cold. Ginger tea with honey can be soothing to the throat as can warm water with lemon or apple cider vinegar mixed in. Keeping the damaged tissues warm and moist can help to reduce inflammation and temporarily relieve physical discomfort.
At meal times, try a big bowl of old-fashioned chicken soup. It's inexpensive, easy to make and a soothing comfort food. The ingredients bolster the immune system and thin secretions that may be clogging your sinuses and collecting in your throat, discouraging painful coughing while helping you to breathe better.
While you're recuperating, it's a good idea to rest your voice. Unplug your phone and curl up on the couch with a good book or a stack of favorite movies. Don't talk--not even in a whisper. Remember, this is an injury to part of your body. The fastest route to complete recovery requires giving your body time to heal itself.
A hoarse voice can also be a symptomatic of an infection, so be alert for other signs of illness when attempting self-care, such as fever or expelling blood-tinged mucous when coughing. If you condition does not improve within 1 week with the regular application of home remedies, or if your symptoms worsen rather than improve, seek professional medical advice immediately.