How Long Can the Flu Virus Live Outside the Body?
The flu virus lives longer outside the body than the cold germ does. Flu viruses can live from just a couple of seconds up to 48 hours on environmental surfaces.
Environmental Surfaces
When a sick person coughs or sneezes, the germs will land on tables, doorknobs and phones. When a healthy person touches those flu-contaminated surfaces, then puts his hand on his face, nose, mouth or eyes, he has just introduced the flu virus into his body.
Airborne Droplets
While the flu virus can be spread by touching contaminated surfaces, it spreads more easily through airborne droplets. These are coughed or sneezed out by the flu patient who doesn't take the trouble to cover her mouth and nose.
Washing Hands
When someone in the home is sick with the flu, healthy residents need to make sure they frequently wash their hands with warm water and soap so they can avoid taking the flu germ into their bodies.
Stay Home When Sick With Flu
When someone is sick with influenza, he should stay at home away from healthy people and rest. This way, he doesn't spread the virus either at school or at work.
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