Cough & Wheezing Treatments
Coughing occurs when elements of the respiratory system are infected or irritated. The cough and the accompanying mucus are the body's way of trying to remove harmful elements from the system. If you're experiencing a chest or nasal congestion, you'll want to thin the mucus to make your coughing more productive. The sooner you remove the gunk from your system, the sooner you'll begin to feel better and breathe easier. Try eating hot peppers or other spicy foods to help loosen the secretions. If you're not feeling up to eating, have a cup of hot tea. The steam will help you breathe easier and the liquids will help to keep you hydrated. If you're experiencing a dry cough, stir a spoonful of honey into your tea; this will help soothe your dry, raspy throat.
Without knowing the cause of your wheezing, it will be difficult to treat; however, the following steps are generally beneficial and can help you breathe easier. Place a towel in a basin of hot water, then wring it out and drape it across your bare chest. Repeat this every 30 minutes until the wheezing clears up, reheating the water as necessary. While you're waiting, drink as much hot water with cloves or hot ginger tea as possible, as this will thin the mucus and keep it from clogging the airways. Between cups of tea, chew a clove of fresh garlic; the chemicals in garlic not only loosen secretions, they have been shown to help reduce wheezing bouts brought on by asthma attacks.
During the course of these treatments you should take the proper steps to avoid aggravating the condition. For example, there are a number of foods which increase the production of mucus in the body, such as milk and dairy products, bananas, sugar, fried foods and red meat. Also, you should avoid environments where you are likely to encounter smoke, perfumes or other potentially irritating chemicals.