Home Treatment for the Flu
Take Care of Yourself
Don't go to work if you suspect you have the flu. Not only will your coworkers be unappreciative that you're spreading germs through your workplace, your body won't have time to properly recover. If you want to get rid of the flu fast, you have to take time out to take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids. People infected with the flu are at high risk for becoming dehydrated (and thus hospitalized). Even if you can't eat anything, drink plenty of water, tea or sip on soup or broth. If you stomach rejects even the slightest bit of water, chew on crushed ice chips until you feel better.
Relieve Your Pain
Consider taking acetaminophen and ibuprofen to relieve general pain. Ibuprofen is especially helpful in lowering fevers. Just know that while these over-the-counter medications may make you feel better, they aren't treating your flu--rather, they're masking your symptoms.
Try Alternative Therapies
There are many holistic remedies for curing and/or alleviating symptoms of the flu. Try using aromatherapy: many oils are said to have anti-viral properties that boost the immune system. For chest congestion, prepare a steam inhalation treatment of basil, tea tree oil or pine. Alternatively, rub a dab of these diluted oils on your chest. For aches, take a bath with drops of myrrh, tea tree oil or pine. Lukewarm baths are good for fevers and hot baths can help alleviate chills.
There are many homeopathic remedies for the flu. Homeopathy's mantra is "like cures like." Remedies contain a miniscule amount of a substance that, when consumed in large quantities, causes the condition you're trying to alleviate (in this case flu). Apis mellifica is taken for a dry fever combined with sweating and facial flushing. Belladonna is taken when you experience a sudden, intense fever. You can find homeopathic remedies in health food stores.
Keep an Eye on Your Condition
The flu should clear up within 7 to 10 days. If your conditions worsen, or start to resemble those of pneumonia, see a physician immediately.