Head-Cold Relief
One of the most effective things you can do to help alleviate the symptoms of a head cold is subject yourself to steam. Pour boiling water into a large bowl or basin, wrap a towel over your shoulders and around your head, and lean over the bowl, trapping the vapors inside the cloth. Breathe deeply until your nose and mouth are warm, and let the combination of moisture and heat thin and loosen the mucus. To enhance this particular treatment, you might consider added a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil to the water. Also, a similar effect can be achieved by standing in a hot shower for an extended period of time. If you have access to one, make use of a room humidifier to keep your sinuses from drying out. In addition to all of this, make sure you drink plenty of fluids. Not only will it prevent dehydration, the excess liquid will keep your bodily fluids flowing and help inhibit further congestion.
It turns out your grandma was right. Chicken soup is the perfect remedy for a cold. Not only do the vapors from the hot soup help to relieve clogged sinuses, the chicken itself contains chemicals know as cytsteines, which slow the development of cold symptoms. You can amplify the effect of the soup by adding a few peppers to the pot. The capsaicin will cause your nose to run, relieving pressure in your sinuses, chest and head temporarily. As an added benefit, soup is not only cheaper than standard cold medications, it tastes much better. When you've finished your soup, wash it down with a cup of hot tea with honey. The honey will work to help suppress the urge to cough, while the tea keeps nasal passages softened and moist.
Once your cold has cleared up, you'll want to take steps to prevent catching another one. To reduce your risk of catching a cold virus, remember to wash your hands often, using mild soap and paper towels and then follow the washing with a liberal application of hand sanitizer. Additionally, try to increase your yogurt intake as the active cultures can bolster your immune system and help you to fight infections.