Sinus Congestion Symptoms
Symptoms of nasal congestion include difficulty breathing through the nose, pain around eyes and face, headache, aching in teeth and jaw, inability to smell or taste normally, sore throat, ear pain, bad breath and nausea. Coughing and fever are also possible.
The best way to prevent nasal congestion depends on the contributing factors. If it is allergies, then treat your allergies and avoid allergens that set off symptoms. If it is sensitivity to smoke, avoid smoky places and do not smoke. Keeping nasal passages moist will greatly reduce the symptoms of nasal congestion.
Drink lots of fluids and get enough rest. Take decongestants or nasal corticosteroids. To keep passages from becoming dry and inflamed, use saline nose spray and run a humidifier. To relieve the pain, take over-the-counter pain relievers, and apply warm compresses to the face. Use steam to help moisten nasal passages and relieve pain. Drape a towel over your head and lean over a steaming bowl of water or take a warm, steamy shower. Apply warm compresses to your face to help relieve the pain. Avoid alcohol because it will contribute to dry nasal passages. At night, sleep with your head elevated to relieve the pressure and help you breathe easier.
Many people assume that if they run a fever, automatically an antibiotic is necessary. With nasal congestion, antibiotics are rarely needed. Usually just doing the home treatments of heat, moisture and over-the-counter medications is sufficient. Occasionally, a nasal infection is due to a fungus and a prescription may be necessary to treat this. However, generally you should follow the home treatment guidelines and if you are still having symptoms a few weeks later, seek medical treatment.
Other Treatment Options
An alternative treatment that has been around a long time is to use a nasal lavage. Basically, it is a simple device that helps you rinse out your nasal passages. It helps moisten the area and rinses out bacteria that might build up. While it might sound or look uncomfortable or even painful, most people find it to be effective and not uncomfortable at all.