Cold Flu Relief
Cold Relief
The best medicine for a cold is a pain reliever. Acetaminophen is the best choice, as it will not only alleviate any pain from headaches or sore throats but will also reduce a fever and the body aches that come with it. It is also useful to take a decongestant to relieve the stuffiness inside your nose and sinuses. Nasal sprays also provide instant relief from a clogged nose but should never be taken more than what is prescribed on the label. If overdosed, nasal sprays can cause a rebound effect, making your nose stuffier than it was before.
Gargling salt water soothes sore throats. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle for 30 seconds. Do not swallow the water, as salt will make you more dehydrated. According to the Mayo Clinic, chicken soup has been found to work as a natural anti-inflammatory and decongestant, giving truth to the claim that a bowl of chicken soup can relieve symptoms of a cold. Drinking lemon water with a drop of honey will loosen congestion as well.
Flu Relief
Unfortunately, according to the Mayo Clinic, only bed rest and plenty of fluids will treat the flu. But you can still treat the symptoms while you are resting. Treating the symptoms of a flu is not so different from treating the symptoms of a cold. You will still need acetaminophen to reduce pain and fever and taking a decongestant is helpful as well. However, taking medication may be difficult if you are feeling nauseated or cannot keep food or drink down. Taking medication on an empty stomach will only make you more nauseated. Try eating saltine crackers or dry toast before taking any medicine. Drink chamomile and mint tea to relax your body and reduce stress. Eating chicken soup will keep you hydrated, fill your stomach and release any congestion.