Cold Relief
Over-the-Counter Medication
Acetaminophen is the best over-the-counter relief for the common cold. It will knock out pain from sore throats, aches and headaches, and get rid of any fever. Always take the recommended dose and never exceed dosing guidelines. Acetaminophen in excess can cause liver damage. Be especially careful when administering medicine to children, as a much lower dosage is needed.
A nasal decongestant will relieve sinus pressure and unclog nasal passages. Most cold medicines act as a nasal decongestant as well as fever reducer. But if you want instant relief from a clogged nose, reach for a nasal spray. However, nasal sprays should only be used for two to three sprays at a time, and should never be overdosed. According to the Mayo Clinic, an overdose of a nasal spray can cause chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes. Using a saline nasal spray is safer, especially for children.
Home Remedies
Eating a bowl of chicken soup to relieve cold symptoms is perhaps one of the most common home remedies used. Researchers have found that chicken soup does in fact act as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant. It moves mucous through the nose faster to keep the virus from being in long contact with the nasal lining.
Gargling with salt water will temporarily relieve a sore throat. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle for 30 seconds.
Always keep well hydrated during a cold. Drink at least eight glasses of water or juice every day. Lemon water with a drop of honey will help loosen congestion as well. Stay away from caffeinated beverages and alcohol, as these will only dehydrate you more. Try using a humidifier in your room at night. The cold virus loves dry conditions, so making the air as moist as possible will prevent the virus from lingering. The moist air will also relieve your sore throat. If you do not have a humidifier, simply filling a pan with water and leaving it in your room at night will help moisten the air.
The most important way to properly recover from the cold virus is to get lots of rest. Do not over exert yourself while you are sick or risk a relapse.